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The RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment (WLCA) 2nd Edition Webinar

Our MD Alan Northen is currently supporting the RICS LIVE as a speaker on the RICS Global: The RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment (WLCA) 2nd Edition Webinar Thu 5 Oct 2023, 11:00. According to the RICS the new standard is giving visibility to the carbon cost of different design choices. The standard aims to help professionals manage carbon budgets, reduce lifetime emissions, and build a net-zero future for construction.

Welcome to the team Luca

Luca Coogan has made great strides since joining Northen Surveying Services as an apprentice quantity surveyor in summer 2022. “The varied projects that I have worked on have been interesting. I have also been supported to complete my university course and have been covering a range of modules.”

Northen launches Training Company

Northen Quantum is a company founded by our directors in 2020 with the purpose of training surveyors in Measurement skills, it is aimed at any person working in the construction industry that needs to know how to obtain accurate quantities and provide accurate descriptors in construction projects to help manage and mitigate risk.